17 March 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

It is time to celebrate!  Winners from the March blog contest are here!!!  Please email me at betsydalton@janiebboutique.com and I will send you your prize :-)

Here is the list of winners---
     from blog comments (everyone made me smile, so you are all winners -- some made me truly laugh out loud!!)
  • mom2raeandjay
  • nottsosoft
  • Michelle
  • Izzy's mom
  • Katie
  • JennJK
From an order placed on 3/7/10
  • Jodi
And some nice messages left for me on facebook that all made me smile
  • Danielle
  • Rosie
  • Sasha
  • Kim
Thanks again everyone for participating in the contest (and of course making me smile!!  I know that you make others in you lives smile as well!)  Hope you all have had a great St. Patrick's Day. 

(oh, and no one ordered my favorite item -- can you guess what it is???)


  1. oh yah! I am so excited. :) hmmm..your favorite item? ok, here's my guess: Neige Oliana Dress??????

  2. Congrats winners!! Betsy rocks!!

  3. Congrats everyone!
    I'm guessing from your recent pics, that Kids Ink is your favorite? LOL

  4. Betsy you are so sweet! Okay I am going to guess your favorite item is the Pink Chicken Rosie Dress. That is my final answer:) I thought it would be the Mimi-Pi sugar and spice skirt BUT I realized jodi ordered this and you said no one had ordered your favorite item. hee hee just a little investigative work!
